Wednesday, October 05, 2005

So far..

So far today I have gone on my walk w/ Laura because we had to pick stuff up.
So far today I had Chipotle - yummy!
So far today I am not too tired.
So far today I have spent time w/ Samantha on the bus to work.
So far today I have joined a lottery pool for tonight's Powerball.
So far today I have not had any snacks (though we are getting treats at work in a little bit)
So far today I have already posted once on my blog.
So far today I made on call I need to make - which means, as of right now, I still have choir practice.
So far today I have blog surfed - still on my quest for the perfect blog entry.
So far today I got some tea at Caribou because part of the proceeds go to Hurricane disaster relief.
So, so far today, I have had a good day! :-)

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