Some observations about me or just by me:
*I LOVE the internet. I would not say I am addicted to it... because I wont get the shakes if I am away from it... though Nick would say I am addicted.
*I love it when Nick makes dinner. Especially when it is ready when I get home from work. Last night I had to make it (no big deal) and I just felt less relaxed at the end of the night. Now it is crazy to think that Nick should make all the meals, so I am not saying I need that to happen.
*I kind of like some commercials. Of course, this may be partly because the only reason I have a job is because of commercials.. but there are also some commercials I enjoy (the Weight Watchers Cher commercial gives me goose bumps)... and it also gives me time to get up and do something else.
*I HATE winter. Yes I have lived in MN my whole life. I still hate it. The biggest thing is how cold it gets here.. and I hate to bundle up. I would rather have as little clothes on as possible then look like a snowman!
*My kids already know how to fight. Conversely... they also can enjoy each other and have fun together. And I think, for them, it was good that I had them so close together.
*I do have great friends.
*My husband is sexy (sorry for those that did not want to hear that). And we make a good looking couple.
*I don't really know what I want to do with my life (surprise, surprise). I mean my job is ok... it is really easy.. and I have great co-workers. But I truly hope I don't grow old at the same desk I am at. I also don't think I could make a good stay at home mom. So something in between would be nice.
*I am very grateful for the Intro to Typing class I took as an independent study at college. Though it actually did not count for credits at the real college I went to.. it has helped immensly in so many aspects of my work and other things computer related. Also, I really appreciate my Journalism classes because I really think they made me a better writer - though not good enough to actually work in Journalism.
*I feel I write better posts when I can sit and write out all my thoughts at once. I kind of get in a mode and words seem to flow.
*I would love to write something and get paid for it someday... novel.. article... whatever.
*I also hope that I can atleast be in one more play in my lifetime. I did a bunch when I was a kid.. but with kids, a husband and a full time job, there is no time. Maybe somewhere down the line there will be.
*My favorite color is purple. I like it because, to me, it seems unique. Later on I found out that it is the color associated with royalty... coincidence?
Well that is enough for now... remember, I can always post more later!!