Today I am thankful for my baby, my buddy, Carter.
Many of you know he was a surprise, the best surprise I have ever received. Looking back at the first year of his life I realize that he was put on this earth for a purpose. It was like God knew all the bad stuff that was going to happen to us so he first wanted to bring us something good, something that would not let us fall into a deep, dark dungeon of depression. You really do not have as much time to mope when you have a baby to take care of (not taking anything away from the other kids, they are just a lot more independent). A year ago this past Monday, Carter was my first child I ever had to bring to surgery, it was scary but also a blessing because it "fixed" him. Carter is the hardest of all my children to leave every day to go to work because every day he is doing something new. And he is learning everything faster then Jeffrey and Samantha. And speaking of Jeffrey and Samantha, he loves his older brother and sister so much. Of course tops on his list is his Mommy and Daddy, his face just lights up when he sees us, and he gets jealous when any of the other kids or Lucy wont let him get to us when we come home. One of the first sounds Carter could make was the mama sound.. and even though he is not saying it towards me yet... I love to hear it. Carter can be quite the handful at times, he loves to try to get into cupboards and pull things out to throw or chew on and his new favorite game is throwing things down the stairs.
I love my angel, Carter.
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