Saturday, March 05, 2005

Productive Saturday

Normally I do not feel I am that productive on my Saturdays... today was different. I sure did not think I would be though. I went to bed at 1AM and Jeffrey woke me up at 7 with a poopy diaper. Yuck! So I got up and got stuff done.
I cleaned dirty griddles and pots in the kitchen, cleaned off the kitchen table (pretty much), I went through my files upstairs and took out all the 2004 ones and organized them, I also organized the bills that needed to be paid. I did three loads of laundry - and put away almost all the clothes). I made a good lunch and a great dinner. All while taking care of two young kids - one which will not sleep if you pay him!! So, I am tooting my own horn, but I guess I can.
Also, looks like the car is sold! I am not used to selling cars. In my family we ran our cars into the ground. Oh well... we will get a car (instead of an SUV) and definetly not go through as much gas.
Oh, here is my first knitting project... my scarf:
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Pretty good for my first thing, if I do say so myself!!

Well off to go knit more of my second project...


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