Kind of busy weekend.
Friday evening we went out and Nick got two new pairs of shoes. He has really needed them. One pair was even a Crocs (Scutes)!
Friday night I colored my hair... no one notices.. that is ok.
Saturday night we had people over from out TOOL group (church/marriage deal)... this meant a lot of the previous days was spent cleaning. Everything turned out well.
Sunday was our friend's kid's 2nd bday party. It was planned for 2 hours, but as it was winding down she asks us if we want to go with her family and her sister's family on their boat, so Nick went the half block to our house and got our suits and we headed out. And what a great day to be on a boat. It was so warm out, being in the water was really refreshing. We swam in one bay and then went to bring the sister's family back and then went out to a different bay. And didn't get home till dark!
And now today is suppose to be the last day of this heatwave. We may have even hit 100 degrees!
I will leave you with the pic of Jeffrey downloading pics onto my computer from his "camera" (actually a windmill).