Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Well, I talked about our older lab, Mandi, but I realized I hardly mention Mollie.  Mollie is my first puppy.  She is the first animal (besides) fish that I have had since they were a baby.  She was born May 16, 2001 and we picked her up from the breeders in Nebraska the end of June or beginning of July that year.  And that girl sure grew fast.  And now she misses Mandi.  Nick says when he goes into the garage she whines because she has no one.  That is the one thing, with the labs not being in our house, that has made it easier for them to be in the outdoor/ (heated) indoor kennel - because they had each other.  And I think, I know, it will be a long time before we get another lab for her.  We will just have to make it a point to spend more time with her.

Though I think Nick wants a small, compainion dog, like Mandi was to him.. and like the poodle, Andrew, he had before her, was to him.  I know I would love one. *sigh*

And just a random thought - Altoids are a great, $2.00 sex toy!

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