Saturday, October 25, 2008

Big Week

Next week is quite the big week here... Tuesday is Samantha's 5th birthday, Friday is Carter's 1st birthday and Halloween. Add in a lot going on at school with birthday and Halloween parties plus we have to turn in Jeffrey's Christmas wreath order for cub scouts and Samantha's butter braids order for preschool (anyone want to buy any?) and it will be busy. Ohhh and for anyone that lives in the Twin Cities... Carter will be on KARE 11 during the 10am show for his first birthday on Friday!
And tomorrow is huge at church... it is the anniversary of the dedication of the church and also this is the 100th anniversary of the church this year (well actually next June) and Nick installed a huge 57,000 rock and so they are dedicating that and having 4th degree honor guard and special music and a breakfast brunch. So that will be exciting.

And I have been neglecting this blog something fierce... funny I am on the internet every day but never know what to write. Yea a ton has been going on with the family... especially the kids.. I just need to write about it. I have also been neglecting my scrapbooking and it is nice to look back on the blog and find out what I have done. I really need a long weekend to work on that.
Ohh.. and Go MINNESOTA GOPHERS... 7-1 Yeah!!!


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