Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Nick and I went to lunch yesterday... this was a rare and special treat.  See I work downtown and he works near our house and they are thirty minutes plus away from each other.  But it just so happens this week (Tuesday-Friday) he is downtown for some landscape expo/training (that is only a couple blocks from work).  So he called me on his lunch "hour" and we went.. and it was great.  See, we never go on dates  - partly to save money/partly to save time/partly because we don't want to have to find a babysitter.  But yet we have had a couple lunches the past couple years and I cannot complain about those.  Though it is funny seeing Nick downtown because he hates downtown and he usually is not dressed like most men on their lunch.  Again I cannot complain... I really loved it!!

I have become addicted to looking at a couple websites... and they are filled with links to other sites hot deals, freebies, contests, etc.. check them out if you would like.

Well back to work...

1 comment:

agent713 said...

That is awesome Melissa! It's a lot of fun when your personal and professional lives can meet like that. I love meeting people for lunch. It always makes the day go faster.