Sunday, November 06, 2005

Fun with maps..

I found this site on a blog of someone I know.. you
can make a map of the states you have been to... so I
did.. though some of it is guessing because my family
took 2 road trips to Florida and back (by way of
relatives).. and I include PA.. though I don't know if
we drove through there on my confirmation trip from NY
to DC.. but I will be there on Friday, so...

ETA... here is the address for the map:


The Stopper Family said...

So where's the blog with the map - I want to make one.

If you drove up I-95 from NYC to DC, I think you rode in PA a little bit

Mel said...

Yea.. I don't remember because I was on a bus in the middle of the night.. so..
And I added the link for you.

tosin said...

When did you go to Hawaii? Was it for your honeymoon?

Mel said...

Actually I went to Hawaii w/ my parents and brother when I was in Junior High..
I wish I could have gone for my honeymoon.
We do have family there.. so we did see them part of the time.